To President Russia Mr Medvedev! Dear Dmitriy Anatolievich! Good Day! My name is Peter Voit and I am just wondering what your countries policy is on import duties FOR GIFTS? Resently I and my wife (Victoria) sent gifts to our parents in St.Petersburg. Upon arrival we were informed that the 4 DVD's and 4 Books, had attracted a duty of 20 % on value of goods + 18% V.A.T. The parcel including Postage was valued at $250 AU (5 000 Rb). Customs Department then added on to my valuation wich included Postage. The cost of Postage $89.98AU(1 800 Rb). Total vlue for duty and V.A.T. $340AU(6 800 Rb) D.H.L. The contract postal company then wished another $150 AU to deliver. The parcel is being returned to Australia. If you could please send some information on your countries taxes and charges as regard items like this I would appreciate it. Your Embassy in Sidney said no charges on value of these goods on a personal note. I love Russia as a beatiful country and what I can gather from NTV news you and Vladimir Putin are doing a reasonable job; though I wish news had more russian News and less world.
Yours in good faith Peter Voit. POBox 442 Barmera SA Australia 5345 Tel. in Australia (08) 858 302 18 P.S. Can I obtain Russian Citizenship and have dual with Australia like my wife Victoria